Chimney Services

There are around 6,000 chimney fires in the UK every year, they are preventable if you maintain your chimney and use your fire correctly.

We recommend using Preston Chimney Services. All of their services are carried out by a highly qualified Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps engineer who can provide you with professional advice and services.


Replacement parts and fitting
As part of our service we will be able to supply and fit parts and fittings that may be needed for safe operation of your appliance including, door glass, ropes, glues, paints and bars.

General servicing and maintenance
Your appliance may need some extra maintenance before your regular service. We can do that for you with no call out charge and no obligation quotes.

Fireside equipment, supplies and cleaning products
We can supply you with all the things you need for your general every day use of your appliances including shovels, scuttles and cleaners.

Full chimney sweeps
Using the most up to date power sweeping, rss viper, rods and brushes methods to ensure the highest quality service.

Chimney vacuum service
As part of our full service we use the latest in vacuum technology to ensure all the soot and dust is cleanly removed from your chimney and disposed of safely.

Cleaning flues and appliances
If your chimney or appliance is thickly coated in tar or creosote we can offer additional advice to ensure you always get the best service.


Visit our official website or get in touch with us to book an appointment or find out more information
Mobile: 07739047054